Title: The Secret of Intercession: Abraham Pleads for Sodom
Speaker: Pastor James Tsang
Scripture: Genesis 18:16–33
Category Archives: English Service
[English] 8/18/2013
Title: Going Home
Speaker: Pastor Steve Armstrong
Scripture: Luke 4:13–30
[English] 8/4/2013
Title: A Christian Life in a Non-Christian Society
Speaker: Br. Bryan Woods
Scripture: 1 Peter 2:12
[English] 7/28/2013
Title: The Declarations of God’s Glory
Speaker: Pastor Albert Kwabi
Scripture: Psalm 19
[English] 7/21/2013
Title: Ambassadors of Christ
Speaker: Br. Pablo Garcia
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:11-21
[English] 7/7/2013
Title: To Save the Lost
Speaker: Pastor Andrew Ghobrial
Scripture: Luke 19:1–10
[English] 6/30/2013
Title: The Gospel of the Kingdom be Preached
Speaker: Pastor James Tsang
Scripture: Matthew 24:14
[English] 6/23/2013
Title: Once More Around Jericho: An Introduction to Prayer-Walking
Speaker: Dr. Frank Chan
Scripture: 2 Chronicles 7:14
[English] 6/16/2013
Title: The Men Who Fear the Lord
Speaker: Br. Pablo Garcia
Scripture: Psalm 128:1–6
[English] 6/2/2013
Title: The Authority of the Believer Over the Enemy
Speaker: Dr. Frank Chan
Scripture: Matthew 16:17–19