Title: Noah: A Preacher of Faith
Speaker: Br Pablo Garcia
Scripture: Hebrews 11:7
Category Archives: Sermons
[Chinese] 2/16/2014
講題: 誇口還是信心
講員: 李大飛弟兄
經文: 羅馬書 3: 27–4:8
[Combined] 2/9/2014
Title 講題: Imitating Christ (5): Seeking the Lost One 效法基督(五):“尋找失喪的人”
Speaker 講員: Pastor James Tsang 曾兆棋牧師
Scripture 經文: Luke 16:19–31, 19:10
[English] 1/26/2014
Title: Imitating Christ: Feed My Sheep
Speaker: Pastor James Tsang
Scripture: Matthew 14:13–21; 15:32–39
[Chinese] 1/26/2014
講題: 新年新希望:得勝的生活
講員: 陳信評弟兄
經文: 啟示錄3:21; 創世記3
[English] 01/19/2014
Title: Christ, the Second Adam
Speaker: Bro. Pablo Garcian
Scripture: Romans 5:12 – 2116
[Chinese] 01/19/2014
講題: 效法基督(三):學習基督的溫柔
講員: 曾兆棋牧師
經文: 馬太福音5:5, 11: 28 – 30, 21:5
[Combined] 01/12/2014
Title 講題: Imitating Christ (2): Emptying and Denying Oneself, 效法基督(二):虛己與捨己
Speaker 講員: Pastor James Tsang 曾兆棋牧師
Scripture 經文: Philippians 2:5 – 8; Mark 8:34 – 38
[English] 01/05/2014
Title: Mature Manhood: The Life of Gideon
Speaker: Dr. Frank Chan
Scripture: Judge 6:14 – 16
[Chinese] 01/05/2014
講題: 效法基督:以基督的心為心
講員: 曾兆棋牧師
經文: 腓立比書2: 5 – 11