講題: 水深之處 (Deeper)
經文: 路加福音 5:1-11
講員: 艾倫牧師 Pastor Alan
Category Archives: Sermons
[English] 9/22/2019
Title: Deeper
Scripture: Luke 5:1-11
Speaker: Pastor Alan Rathe
[Chinese] 9/22/2019
講題: 神的眷祐
經文: 希伯來書 2:6, 腓立比書 4:6-7
講員: 鄭貽富牧師
[English] 9/15/2019
Title: Why and How to Pray for the Hong Kong Protests
Scripture: 1 Timothy 2:1-2
Speaker: Dr. Frank Chan
[Chinese] 9/15/2019
講題: “初熟果子”的眼光
經文: 雅各書 1:9-18
講員: 簡志敏弟兄
[English] 9/8/2019
Title: Too Good To Miss Out On (Gifts of the Spirit)
Scripture: Romans 12:3-11
Speaker: Pastor Alan Rathe
[Chinese] 9/8/2019
講題: 筵席上的功課: 醫治病人的醫生 Lessons at the Table: A Doctor for the Sick
經文: 路加福音 5:27-32
講員: 保羅牧師 Pastor Pablo Garcia
[English] 9/1/2019
Title: Anxiety and Mountain
Scripture: Philippians 4:6-7
Speaker: Br. Dann Johnson
[Chinese] 9/1/2019
講題: 在愛中服事
經文: 哥林多前書 13:1-4
講員: 李士彦弟兄
[English] 8/25/2019
Title: Fruitful!
Scripture: Galatians 5:22-23
Speaker: Pastor Alan Rathe