Title: Singleminded Love
Speaker: Pastor Alan Rathe
Scripture: Mark 12:28-31
Category Archives: Sermons
[Chinese] 11/1/2015
講題: 翻轉的生命
講員: 毛艷君傳道
經文: 路加福音 6:12–20
[Combined] 10/25/2015
Title 講題: Moses: From Prince to Foreigner 摩西:從王子到客旅
Speaker 講員: Pastor Pablo Garcia
Scripture 經文: Exodus 2:11–25
[Chinese] 10/18/2015
講題: 經歷神 – 的心路歷程
講員: 洪詩慕宣教士
經文: 詩篇 57:1–11
[English] 10/11/2015
Title: Every Season of the Soul
Speaker: Pastor Alan Rathe
Scripture: Psalm 103:1–8
[Chinese] 10/11/2015
講題: 積極的基督徒人生
講員: 曾兆棋牧師
經文: 以弗所書 4:20–32
[English] 10/4/2015
Title: Loving God with Your Choices
Speaker: Pastor Alan Rathe
Scripture: Joshua 24:14–15
[Chinese] 10/4/2015
講題: 基督的奧秘
講員: 曾兆棋牧師
經文: 以弗所書 3:1–13
[English] 9/27/2015
Title: Moses – From Slave to Prince
Speaker: Pastor Pablo Garcia
Scripture: Exodus 2:1–10
[Chinese] 9/27/2015
講題: 救贖的恩典和大能
講員: 曾兆棋牧師
經文: 以弗所書 2:1–10