Title: What’s Good?
Speaker: Pastor Alan Rathe
Scripture: Jonah 4
Category Archives: Sermons
[Chinese] 9/17/2017
講題: 神悅納人的禧年
講員: 曾兆棋牧師
經文: 路加福音 4:16–30
[English] 9/10/2017
Title: How in the World?
Speaker: Pastor Alan Rathe
Scripture: Jonah 3
[Chinese] 9/10/2017
講題: 不以福音為恥
講員: 曾兆棋牧師
經文: 羅馬書 1:16–17; 加拉太書 3:11–14
[English] 9/3/2017
Title: This Again?
Speaker: Pastor Alan Rathe
Scripture: Joshua 3:1-3a
[Chinese] 9/3/2017
講題: 勞苦與生命
講員: 曾兆棋牧師
經文: 創世記 3:16–17; 以弗所書 4:28; 馬太福音 11:28–30
[English] 8/27/2017
Title: Growing Up in Unity
Speaker: Pastor James Tsang
Scripture: Ephesians 4:13–16
[Chinese] 8/27/2017
講題: 成長與合—
講員: 曾兆棋牧師
經文: 以弗所書 4:13–16
[English] 8/20/2017
Title: The Spirit Empowers People
Speaker: Pastor Pablo Garcia
Scripture: Acts 9:1-17
[Chinese] 8/20/2017
講題: 保羅與你
講員: 勵元達弟兄
經文: 哥林多後書 4:13–5:1