Title 講題: The Meal that Changes Everything 改變一切之餐
Speaker 講員: Pastor Alan Rathe
Scripture 經文: 1 Corinthians 10:16–17
Author Archives: admin
[English] 11/2/2014
Title: Overcoming Spiritual Strongholds
Speaker: Dr Frank Chan
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 10:3–5
[Chinese] 11/2/2014
講題: 愛心的事奉
講員: 曾兆棋牧師
經文: 啟示錄 2:1–7
[Chinese] 10/26/2014
講題: 永遠的福音
講員: 陳信評弟兄
經文: 啟示錄 14:6; 詩篇 2:7–9; 使徒行傳 10章
[English] 10/19/2014
Title: The Son of the Promise
Speaker: Br Pablo Garcia
Scripture: Genesis 17:15–21
[Chinese] 10/19/2014
講題: 宣教工場中看神的作為
講員: 曾兆棋牧師
經文: 約翰福音 1:14; 希伯來書 12:1
[Combined] 10/12/2014
Title 講題: The Vision of Mission 宣教的異象
Speaker 講員: Pastor James Tsang 曾兆棋牧師
Scripture 經文: Isaiah 6:1–8; Acts 16:6–10
[English] 10/5/2014
Title: Extraordinary Service
Speaker: Pastor James Tsang
Scripture: John 12:23–26
[Chinese] 10/5/2014
講題: 不平凡的服事
講員: 曾兆棋牧師
經文: 約翰福音 12:23–26