Title: The One in Heaven
Speaker: Pastor Alan Rathe
Scripture: Matthew 6:9–13
Author Archives: admin
[Chinese] 2/15/2015
講題: 神的恩典何等難測
講員: 陳信評弟兄
經文: 出埃及記 2:1–15; 20:1–17
[English] 2/1/2015
Title: Our Father
Speaker: Pastor Alan Rathe
Scripture: Matthew 6:9–13
[Chinese] 2/1/2015
講題: 直奔標竿:基督的香氣
講員: 曾兆棋牧師
經文: 哥林多後書 2:12–17; 以弗所書 4:30–5:2
[English] 1/25/2015
Title: Living the LP (A Prayer for Kingdom People)
Speaker: Pastor Alan Rathe
Scripture: Matthew 6:5–15
[Chinese] 1/25/2015
講題: 直奔標竿:標竿的成形
講員: 曾兆棋牧師
經文: 腓立比書 3:10–14; 加拉太書 4:19; 2:20; 5:24; 6:14–17
[English] 1/18/2015
Title: The Living Water
Speaker: Br Pablo Garcia
Scripture: John 4:7–15
[Chinese] 1/18/2015
講題: 直奔標竿:直奔的心態
講員: 曾兆棋牧師
經文: 腓立比書 3:10–14; 希伯來書 12:1–3
[Combined] 1/11/2015
Title 講題: Epiphany! 主顯節!
Speaker 講員: Pastor Alan Rathe
Scripture 經文: Luke 2:15–20
[Chinese] 1/4/2015
講題: 如何直奔標竿?
講員: 曾兆棋牧師
經文: 腓立比書 3:7–16