Title: All for One
Speaker: Pastor Alan Rathe
Scripture: Mark 12:28–34
Author Archives: admin
[Chinese] 9/20/2015
講題: 儆醒禱告
講員: 陳信評弟兄
經文: 彼得前書 4:7–8; 馬太福音 6:9–13
[English] 9/6/2015
Title: More of the Main Thing
Speaker: Pastor Alan Rathe
Scripture: Matthew 28:16–20
[Chinese] 9/6/2015
講題: 十字架 – 神的智慧
講員: 曾兆棋牧師
經文: 哥林多前書 1:18–25
[English] 8/30/2015
Title: The Main Thing
Speaker: Pastor Alan Rathe
Scripture: Matthew 28:16–20
[Chinese] 8/30/2015
講題: 真神大愛
講員: 曾兆棋牧師
經文: 羅馬書 5:1–11
[English] 8/23/2015
Title: Practicing Prayer
Speaker: Br Pablo Garcia
Scripture: Nehemiah 1:5–11
[Chinese] 8/23/2015
講題: 在彎曲悖謬的世代做神的兒女
講員: 曾兆棋牧師
經文: 腓立比書 2:12–18
[English] 8/16/2015
Title: Children of God in a Crooked and Depraved Generation
Speaker: Pastor James Tsang
Scripture: Philippians 2:12–18
[Chinese] 8/16/2015
講題: 活在基督裡
講員: 夏長勝傳道
經文: 腓立比書 4:1–5