Title: What happens after Christmas?
Scripture: Luke 2:8-20
Speaker: Pastor Pablo Garcia
Author Archives: admin
[Chinese] 12/29/2019
講題: 願祢的國降臨
經文: 路加福音19:11-27
講員: 勵元達弟兄
[Combined] 12/22/2019
Title 講題: 愛 Love!
Scripture 經文: John 3:16
Speaker 講員: Pastor Alan 艾倫牧師
[English] 12/15/2019
Title: Repeat the Sounding Joy
Scripture: Luke 2:10
Speaker: Pastor Alan Rathe
[Chinese] 12/15/2019
講題: 尋求神的教會
經文: 啓示錄 3:7-13
講員: 陳信評弟兄
[English] 12/8/2019
Title: How to Really Hope for Peace
Scripture: Isaiah 9:6-7
Speaker: Pastor Alan Rathe
[English] 12/1/2019
Title: Starlight
Scripture: Revelation 22:16
Speaker: Pastor Alan Rathe
[Chinese] 12/1/2019
講題: 生命的實際
經文: 雅各書 2:1-13
講員: 簡志敏弟兄
[Combined] 11/24/2019
Title 講題: Who You Are 真實的你
Scripture 經文: Romans 6:3-5
Speaker 講員: Pastor Alan 艾倫牧師
[English] 11/17/2019
Title: What to do when you are in a season of personal exile
Scripture: Jeremiah 29:1,4-7
Speaker: Dr. Frank Chan