講題: 連於基督的見證
經文: 創世記 37:2, 23–24, 28; 39:1–5; 19–23; 41:14–16, 32–33, 37–41
講員: 曾兆棋牧師
Author Archives: admin
[Chinese] 2/3/2019
講題: 為主顛狂
經文: 哥林多後書 5:13–15
講員: 彭召羊博士
[Special] 2/2/2019
Title 講題: 回家吧,孩子!
Speaker 講員: 彭召羊博士
[English] 1/27/2019
Title: In the Grip
Scripture: Mark 10:17-27
Speaker: Pastor Alan Rathe
[Chinese] 1/27/2019
講題: 心意上連於基督
經文: 提摩太前書 1:12–17
講員: 曾兆棋牧師
[English] 1/20/2019
Title: Lessons at the Table: What really matters!!
Scripture: Luke 11:37-41
Speaker: Pastor Pablo Garcia
[Chinese] 1/20/2019
講題: 連於基督,多結果子
經文: 約翰福音 15:1–8
講員: 曾兆棋牧師
[Combined] 1/13/2019
Title 講題: United We Stand 我們合一而站隱
Scripture 經文: Ephesians 4:1-7, 11-13, 15-16
Speaker 講員: Pastor Alan Rathe
[English] 1/6/2019
Title: Building God’s House: Who is Qualified?
Scripture: Nehemiah 3:1-4
Speaker: Dr. Frank Chan
[Chinese] 1/6/2019
講題: 連於元首基督
經文: 以弗所書 4:11–16
講員: 曾兆棋牧師